'Afterimages of Art, with and through light'
/ Research Through Exhibition by Joanna Filipowska

Human vision has not been received in a ready-made and unchanging form, and the received experiences are subjected to mental analysis and confrontation. Seeing is not limited to the passive reception of visual sensations. This topic has its base within lighting and spatial design. Research through the exhibition — where the built installation assembles different lighting scenarios and becomes a tool to create diverse atmospheres. 

'Afterimages of Art, with and through light.' is an experience designed and structured as a testing procedure. Documented, drawn, and analyzed materials - become a coherent part of the ongoing research that will enter my master thesis.

This work aims to outline the inseparable connection between the awareness of seeing, culture, and science and a shared interest in developing images and visual experiences that allow human perception to grow beyond form.

"Art that does not communicate the message, but rather direction us towards awareness of new viewpoints”

   @joannaef                                       yoannafilipowska@gmail.com                                joannafilipowska.com                                Back